
Illustration of businessman
LR Werner Amon, MBA
Illustration of businessman
LV PAV KR Ing. Peter Amreich
Illustration of businessman
LAbg. Bgm. Ing. Bruno Aschenbrenner
Illustration of businessman
LT-Präs. a.D. Walburga Beutl
Illustration of businessman
Bundesleiterin Abg. z. NR Mag. Dr. Juliane Bogner-Strauß
Illustration of businessman
LO PV GR Dir. Bernhard Braunstein, BEd
Illustration of businessman
Dipl.-Ing. Julian della Pietra
Illustration of businessman
PVO Christian Diatel
gfd. Bezirksobmann
Illustration of businessman
OGO PV Bgm. Patrick Dorner
Illustration of businessman
LPO Mag. Christopher Drexler
Illustration of businessman
LGF LAbg. Detlev Eisel-Eiselsberg
Illustration of businessman
LAbg. Bgm. Armin Forstner, MPA
Illustration of businessman
Abg. z. NR Vzbgm. Mag. Ernst Gödl
Illustration of businessman
BO a.D. Franz Gosch
Illustration of businessman
Franz Haberl
Illustration of businessman
gfd. OPO GK Johann Hartinger
Illustration of businessman
LTPräs.a.D. Dipl.-Ing. Franz Hasiba
Illustration of businessman
LS KR Rene Heinrich
Illustration of businessman
StPO StR Kurt Hohensinner, MBA
Illustration of businessman
LAbg. Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Sandra Holasek
Illustration of businessman
Rektorin Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Beatrix Karl
Illustration of businessman
KR BRV-Stv. Vzbgm. Peter Kirchengast
Illustration of businessman
LV-Stv. BO-Stv. OGO GR Michaela Kogler
Illustration of businessman
Landesrat Dr. Karlheinz Kornhäusl
Illustration of businessman
Gottlieb Krenn
Illustration of businessman
KR Ing. Helmut Krivec
Illustration of businessman
DI (FH) Carina Lindvai-Soos
Illustration of businessman
StGO Bgm. Mag. Helmut Linhart
Illustration of businessman
Abg. z. NR Dr. Reinhold Lopatka
Illustration of businessman
GR Marcel Macheiner
Illustration of businessman
LTPräs. a.D. Prof. Franz Majcen
Illustration of businessman
BD HR Dipl.-Päd. Elisabeth Meixner, BEd
Illustration of businessman
Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Leopold Neuhold
Illustration of businessman
Relly Niederl
Illustration of businessman
LFGO LPV Mag. Georg Pessler
Illustration of businessman
Sarika Pichler
Illustration of businessman
Dipl.-Päd. Josef Pilko
Illustration of businessman
GR a.D. Harry Pogner
Illustration of businessman
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Klaus Poier
Illustration of businessman
PV Ing. Michael Pötler
Illustration of businessman
PV OTBgm. Mag. Martin Povoden
Illustration of businessman
Stefan Prandstätter
JAAB Landesobmann
Illustration of businessman
Bgm. Thomas Rauninger, BEd
Illustration of businessman
Bernd Ressler
Illustration of businessman
Stadtrat Dr. Günter Riegler
Illustration of businessman
KO LAbg. Barbara Riener
Illustration of businessman
LV Richard Roßmann
Illustration of businessman
Bundesrat Günther Ruprecht
Illustration of businessman
Klubdirektor Mag. Wolfgang Russold
Illustration of businessman
LFGO PVO Gerald Sapper
Illustration of businessman
LV OGO Abg.z.NR Mag. Corinna Scharzenberger
Illustration of businessman
LAbg. Vzbgm. Mag. Lukas Schnitzer
Illustration of businessman
Mag. Bernd Schönegger
Illustration of businessman
Mag. Josef Schrammel
Illustration of businessman
BRV-Stv. Johann Schupfer
Illustration of businessman
LH a.D. Hermann Schützenhöfer
Illustration of businessman
Ing. Dieter Schwarz
Illustration of businessman
BRV KR Walter Semlitsch
Illustration of businessman
Gfd. LO GR Mag. Dr. Helene Silberschneider, BEd
Illustration of businessman
NRAbg. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Josef Smolle
Illustration of businessman
KADir. Mag. Johannes Sorger
Illustration of businessman
Abg. z. NR Bgm. Christoph Stark
Illustration of businessman
NRAbg. a.D. Ridi-Maria Steibl
Illustration of businessman
GR Lukas Tödling
Illustration of businessman
LO Abg.z.NR SQM MMag. Dr. Agnes Totter, BEd
Illustration of businessman
LFGO ZBRV BRV Dr. Michael Tripolt, MPH
Illustration of businessman
PVO Eduard Tschernko
Illustration of businessman
LAbg.a.D. Bgm.a.D. Peter Tschernko, MSc
Illustration of businessman
Gerd Wilfling
Illustration of businessman
OGO GR Dir. Ing. Franz Winkler, BEd MEd
Illustration of businessman
Präsident Ing. Eduard Zentner
Illustration of businessman
Matthias Zitzenbacher